Home Services Fiduciary Services
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Liquidating Trustee
Independent Director/Board Member
Trusted experts for professional fiduciary services roles

When circumstances call for an appointed or elected fiduciary, scrutiny is high, and time is of the essence. Harney Partners has the experience and expertise to hit the ground running across the full spectrum of professional fiduciary roles — in federal and state court, as well as in- and out-of-court settings. Whether as a court-appointed Receiver, Chapter 11 Trustee or other independent/fiduciary role, we have proven experience helping to achieve favorable outcomes in challenging situations.

Harney’s experienced team of cross-functional experts brings exceptional financial and operational knowledge to the table when delivering professional fiduciary services and receivership services. We have a proven track record of managing and monetizing a wide variety of assets within the unique confines of each engagement. Our professional fiduciary services team has “been there, done that” successfully and delivered superior results many times over—even when faced with the heightened transparency demands of a legal proceeding involving a host of beneficiaries and constituents.